HTB - Legacy
I’ve just completed Legacy from HTB! In my opinion, Legacy is a rather tedious box, especially for someone unfamiliar with Windows exploit(And trying not to use Metasploit to solve the box!). Here’s a quick writeup on how I solved this box.
HTB - Cap
I’ve just completed CAP from HTB! In my opinion, CAP is a rather easy and straight forward box that can be completed fairly quickly (If you know what to look for!). Here’s a quick writeup on how I solved this box.
HTB - Bounty Hunter
I’ve just completed Bounty Hunter from HTB! Bounty Hunter is a box focused on web exploitation, in particular XXE injection. Here is a quick writeup about how I solved this box.
HTB - Knife
I’ve just completed Knife from HTB! In my opinion, Knife is a rather straight forward box that makes use of existing backdoors. Here’s a quick writeup on how I solved this box.
HTB - Lame
I’ve just completed Lame from HTB! In my opinion, Lame is an easy box that provides a quick introduction to the Windows Operating System. Here is a quick writeup about how I solved this box.