Hello World! 👋
$ whoami
Joel Chang
$ cat /joel/Desktop/introduction.md
Hi everyone! I am currently working as a Security Engineer at Sea. This blog serves as my personal blog to document my journney in cybersecurity, and to pen down some of my thoughts as I go about my journey of discovery in the field of Cybersecurity
$ ls /joel/Desktop/milestones
[+] Participated in Google CTF (Got carried, but it was a new experience for me)
[+] Started final year in school
[+] Participated in STACK the flags CTF (First time when I was able to solve a number of challenges independently)
[+] Finalist for Code Exp hackathon
$ ls /joel/Desktop/experiences
[+] Teaching Assistant, NUS (Aug 2020 - Dec 2020)
[+] Cybersecurity Research Intern, NCL Labs (May 2020 - Jul 2020)
[+] Orbital Project Advisor, NUS (May 2020 - Jul 2020)
[+] Security Engineer Intern, Sea (June 2020 - May 2022)
[+] Security Engineer, Sea (June 2020 - ?)
$ ls /joel/Desktop/links