Post Exploitation of VCenter
Post exploitation on VMWare VCenter server …
Exploiting Jenkins
A story of how a wild Jenkins API token led to so much more ….
Creating Customized Windows Reverse Shell Payloads
A simple and quick guide to generating Windows reverse shell payloads ….
SQL Injections
A tale of how improper access control and SQL Injection leaked out PIIs. For starters, many may be wondering “SQL Injection?! Is this for real?” The answer to that is Yes, you have read it correctly it is SQL Injection. SQL Injection has been an age-old vulnerability that has existed for an extremely long time but yet, time and again SQL Injection has been actively exploited to cause massive impacts
Mobile Security
Well, it’s been quite some time since my last post and recently I’ve been very much involved in doing mobile security and here comes my take on some of the (extremely) common vulnerabilities in the field of mobile security.